
Chris Gannon is an award-winning web animator from the UK.

Hello - I'm Chris Gannon, an award winning animator, illustrator and interactive designer

Featured work: Animated knot (SVG)

Interactive Animation

Our digital world is built on live, ever-changing data. I design interactive, dynamic components that respond, adapt and display beautifully.



With over 2 billion views on my Giphy profile, my stickers are a popular choice for those wanting to enhance social media content with animation.


DATA Design

From web data and smart home devices to vehicle UI, I combine functional and practical interactivity with highly aesthetic animation.


Logo Animation

A great logo tells the world the story of who you are. A thoughtful and engaging animation treatment can enrich and enhance that story.


Custom Loaders 

Custom loaders are a great way to reinforce your brand, entertain your audience and show them you value their time whilst they wait for content.



Ownership and digital provenance are among the multitude of exciting opportunities that blockchain technology brings.

Why do I do what I do?

For as long as I can remember I’ve been drawn to things that not only look beautiful but are also fun and functional. It’s a big ask but the old adage is true — go big or go home.

And this mix of characteristics is surprisingly hard to come by — a chair might look fantastic but it’s like sitting on a rock. Similarly the software you use might do the job brilliantly but looks awful and isn’t fun to use.

I want to make things that are fun to use, do their job brilliantly and look gorgeous.

I suspect you do too.

So why hire me?

Chris Gannon

I’m a multiple award winning interactive designer, illustrator and animator - I create and consult on projects for some of the world’s largest and smallest companies and individuals.

I specialise in video and web animation technologies, I’m an industry leader in Greensock SVG animation and an early adopter of the After Effects motion vector tool Bodymovin (now called Lottie). My portfolio is wide and varied with work ranging from logo animations, social media stickers and character animations to interactive widgets, custom loaders and animated icons.

Today animation on the web is not only highly desirable but absolutely essential in helping your NFT project, brand or product cut through the noise and shine — if you hire me you are hiring one of the best in the industry. Magic comes as standard.


GANNON.TV is a trading name of FRAMESPARK INTERACTIVE LIMITED, UK Company No. 07368908

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