Hi — I'm Chris Gannon, an award winning interactive designer

Interactive Animation

Engage your audience with fun animation while gathering business critical data that will provide helpful direction and crucial insights.


With nearly 3 billion views on Giphy my stickers are a popular choice for those wanting to enhance social media content with animation.

Smart Design

From web data and smart home devices to vehicle UI, I combine functional and practical animation with highly aesthetic interactivity.

Logo Animation

A great logo tells the world the story of who you are. A thoughtful and engaging animation treatment can enrich and enhance that story.

Custom Loaders 

Custom loaders are a great way to reinforce your brand, entertain your audience and show them you value their time.

Interactive Logos

Set yourself apart from your competitors with a carefully considered interactive logo and take your brand engagement to a whole new level. 

How can Interactive Animation help you?

Animation is a powerful way of telling stories and engaging your audience. When you make it interactive, it adds new depths to those stories and captures measurable results which can ultimately help your business and its bottom line.

I have a proven track record for creating rich, interactive animations that increase engagement (and ultimately profit) and I ensure my work aligns with your business goals and strategic objectives.

If you hire me, you are hiring one of the best in the industry.